Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Run run don’t drop your ostomy bag

No, don’t be offended by the title. I think staying in shape and exercising is extremely important.  It is still important to stay in shape even if you have an ostomy.  Having an ostomy doesn't mean you shouldn’t live a normal life.  When it comes to staying in shape being in the position of having a stoma only means you have to work a little harder to workout.  Sometimes I have found that using Ostomy Supplies can help me in my daily workouts.

One thing that is important in staying fit with an ostomy is to not jump into it too fast.  You do have an injury or did and most likely your core muscles are not as strong as they were or are weakened to start with.  So don’t go lifting weights too fast.  Start at the lower end of weight and test the waters slow.  You are more likely to have issues with hernias with a stoma and so you should be aware of this. I suggest using a good belt to keep your bag in place.  Hollister ostomy supplies has lots of different products available.

I have had lots of luck using the Adapt Ostomy Belt and it suited me well.  You do have to have a bag that has the belt loops but this helps keep it all in place. I have found the material is very soft and the elastic is able to stretch around me comfortably even when I am breathing heavily.  I am not one to like tight fitted things especially under armour shirts. That type of compression shirt always makes me feel a little claustrophobic and I have not felt that with this belt at all.  It is also really nice to have so I know my bag wont be flopping all over the place and wont leak.  Its a safety measure that is comfortable and keeps my mental health secure as well.

Next time you think about working out and are afraid to. Don’t worry you are not alone. Many people who have an ostomy started out a afraid, but through learning have overcome and bene able to work out just like they used to. Being comfortable in your own skin and cloathing is an imporant part and having the right ostomy gear help with that confidence.  I would suggest trying out a belt or two and going to the gym and starting slow.  Then you can pick it up and start jogging safely and happily soon enough.

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