Thursday, 25 June 2020

Riding the Waves with a Stoma

This year I got the most exciting experience I have ever had. I got the chance to wave surf and it was one of the most complicated and incredible things I have done.  Most people think I am crazy when I say this, not because it was so much fun and a bit complicated but because I have a stoma.  For some reason people always think that since I have a stoma that doing anything in the water is generally a shunned upon thing.  But that is really all just a bit of craziness and is highly unnecessary thinking.

I must say that it does help to do water sports when you have the right equipment.  Now this goes for lots of different areas and first I will start with ostomy gear.  I like to use ostomysupplies for my water gear.  I am really just a bit tied to the brand due to some of the benefits and the help they gave me.  The other year I called up ostomy supplies to see what worked best for water ostomy gear.  They gave me great advice and also hooked me up with free samples.  When I found the stuff that worked best I just kept ordering from them.  Why not, loyalty comes with good service in my book and they won me over.

Now when it comes to wake surfing I must say first and foremost you must have good swim trunks or a good swimsuit.  I would think it was pretty obvious but when you are being pulled by a boat at up to 30 to 40 Miles per hour it is really easy for loose swimwear to fall off or be ripped off.  So remember to get a good tight fitting suit on so your unmentionables stay unmentionable in public.  It is also a good idea to rock a stoma cap so your bag doesn't get ripped off. This is just my personal suggestion and you may want to do things a bit different and that is totally cool.

I would also suggest really good sunscreen.  There are some medical ones that are recommended by doctors and I would suggest you call your medical healthcare provider to find the best one for you and the skin around your stoma. Skin care is really important and you should take it very seriously. Stay safe, rock the water, and have a great time!

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