Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Summer Exercising with an Ostomy

The weather turned warm.  The grass has started to get a little greener and now summer is on the way.  This is the time of year we all start to try our short sleeves and shorts on and realize we have changed.  We are now not able to fit in those clothes like we did last year.  So it is time for a change.  Many will start by researching a new diet.  Many will take on an entire lifestyle change from working out and diet.  But what if you have an Ostomy. Can you still workout with a stoma.  Personally I use ostomy supplies when it comes to getting prepared for working out. But many people don’t think you can, but seek your healthcare providers advice and most likely the answer is yes.  Now with an ostomy you are at more risk or hernias and other health issues due to the reason you have had an ostomy.  But most people are able to get back on the horse and get to working out again.

So if you are new to having a stoma and an ostomy that is just fine.  Don’t start back 100% into an old routine. Yes you have actually changed and need to assess what you are currently capable of doing safely.  Yet again see your doctor or nurse and they can give you a starting point.  Then work your way back up. It is the same as if you had an injury. 

When I have sprained my ankles in the past it's been a long tough road to recover.  It takes weeks of being on crutches and hobbling around.  This is actually beneficial for your shoulders and triceps due to the excess work they get.  But then you realise your legs are getting weaker.  The pain from simply putting pressure on your leg keeps you from doing any exercise for months.
 Then every step for the next 3 to 9 months is painful.  Your ankle hurts with every step and then once you are able to walk about you start working out.  You will find it hurts to jog so instead you walk uphill.  Then you try to do it a bit faster.  After weeks, you give jogging a try and maybe it works one day and hurts too much the next. 

This slow progression is the same idea that you want to have when working out with an ostomy.  You go baby step by baby step. I also like to use the well known ostomy supplies products to make sure no leaks are occurring when I work out. Now, you may not have the pain from the sprained ankle to let you know when you have gone too far. So put limits on yourself before you work out.  Yes, it's worth it in order to not cause any physical problems. Stay safe and as always ask your healthcare provider before getting started.

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